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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Cloud dough

I'm always looking for fun toddler activities, and I've pinned a whole bunch of them.  Here's one we tried over the weekend with great success.

Inspiration for cloud dough

We went to the dollar store for a bunch of materials for different projects we're planning.  So while we were there, we picked up a big bag of flour and a container of vegetable oil (each for a dollar).  Once we were home, I got out some old plastic containers and small bowls and let my son have at it.
Please excuse his ridiculous bedhead.  This was an early Saturday morning activity.

He played for about an hour before he started beasting and throwing the stuff all over the kitchen.  As you can see, my attempt to keep the kitchen floor clean with a cheap plastic tablecloth failed miserably.  But it did allow us to save a lot of the cloud dough that would have otherwise been spoiled by the excessive amount of dog hair all over my kitchen floor.  All in all, a 5 minute clean up and quick sweep took care of the mess.  Because of the consistency, the cloud dough is neither sticky nor dusty.  It doesn't really leave any film on your hands and, unlike plain flour, it sweeps up easily and doesn't leave any residue on the floor.  I didn't even have to mop afterwards.  It was a definite win as a toddler activity.

Total cost: <$1 (we used about 1/4 of the bag of flour and oil that we bought for $2)
Total time: almost an hour of occupied toddler
Total mess: about 5 minutes to clean up and one set of clothes that needed to be washed

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